Mag. Mate Ruzicska, LL.M.

Ügyvéd (H),
Member of the Vienna Bar Association (AT),
Member of the Nuremberg Bar Association (D)


🇬🇧 English, 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 German, 🇭🇺 Hungarian


  • Summer university of the University of Vienna Strobl
  • University of Vienna (magister iuris)
  • PhD studies University of Graz
  • University of Szeged- Nostrification (JD)
  • Andrassy University Budapest LLM

Professional membership

  • 🇭🇺 Budapest Bar Association (admitted as ügyvéd, Hungarian attorney)
  • 🇦🇹 Vienna Bar Association (§ EIRAG, practicing on a permanent basis)


Mate is not choosy when it comes to sport. Not only does he act fast as a lawyer, but also as a football referee. He swings the badminton racket quite well, too.


Press reports about Mag. Mate Ruzicska, LL.M.


Austria-Hungary Legal Battle

Practice areas of Mag. Mate Ruzicska, LL.M.